Saturday, May 31, 2008

Avery Johnson Lost

Not too many words, just watch the video and read the paragraph that follows.

Avery Johnson can't sell Defense (which is free mind you) to the Dallas Mavericks but he can sell gas guzzling, over-priced Nissan's to regular joes? Uhh how about no. Also how about getting into the pulpit since you've got all the free time. now, Ave. You were born with the voice of a pastor, plus your suit closet and hair are in agreement. And who wouldn't give up their Sunday afternoons to hear your voice and get closer to God at the same time. That's like a buy One Get One Free all in itself.

Then again your dealership is in George Bush's backyard. You are in the right place seeing how you are in the oil man's state so maybe you can make a few cars move. Seems like a natural fit. Like funeral homes in bad neighborhoods. Like check cashing establishments in the ghetto. Good luck, little floor general.

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