So I was riding back from the casino a few weeks ago and one of my friends and I got to talking about why I never upload music anymore and it was a pretty good question. I know it has something to do with laziness, at least on the surface. I'm not denying that but the biggest reason I could come up with was that I was tapped on great music to upload. I'd have much rather have quality of music than quantity of music (I'm looking your way Lil Wayne). So that's the most earnest way I can tell you that if I post something up for your downloading consumption that the music will be worth the space on your harddrive/iPod. So don't just keep scrolling. Even if you're in a rush. D/L it and leave it on your desktop until you can check it out when you have time.
Marsha Ambrosius - Some Type Of Way
Marsha Ambrosius - Take Care
Marsha Ambrosius - I Lost You
Debra Killings - My Song
That opening paragraph is the type of shit you hear at the climax of a film from a narrator. Dope. Hollywood may steal that.
Haha! It's definitely Stoner movie material. Like straight out of a Seth Rogan love scene. Something he'd say. But I appreciate it, good sir. Playing Nintendo all these years has paid off and made me a better writer.
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