Thursday, August 28, 2008

Special Note For The Week

As we all know, those of us that follow politics closely and also those of us who have historically not been as involved with or monitored the daily happenings of politics as closely as others, are witnessing the Democratic Party make history all this week in nominating Sen. Barack Obama as the first African-American selected by a major party for President in United States history and in a grander sense Western Hemispheric history. As you can imagine I'm soaking every waking moment in and every speech, heartfelt moment and special guest's recorded dialog as it were my job so the posts this week will be thin. There are much more important things in life, greater than my blog and this is one of them. So when I do post it will be about Obama and if you're not for the Obama posts you're kind enough to endure them for the time being until this week blows over and I get back to regularly scheduled programming next week. Anyway, tonight was Bill Clinton in the finest speech I've ever seen him give. This was the Bill Clinton I remembered and revered from back in the 90's. For just one night, the Michael Jordan of politics laced up his sneakers one more time, soared gracefully above everyone else, shot the three as he'd done so often in his prime and showed us that his jumper is still money. We've seen the worst of Bill Clinton these past few months, Tonight, we saw the best.

"People around the world have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power."

Thank you Bill (and Hillary), you've been giants...

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