Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dumb Quote Of The Day

"Barack Obama will be our first hip-hop president. I can only imagine how the world will embrace the leader of the free world when he introduces other foreign leaders with, "give it up for my man Vladimir." Giving "props" for joining us in a treaty. Or the first lady Michelle talking about "my man" the "daddy of my babies" when referring to the president. That should go over well everywhere from 10 Downing Street right on down to the streets of the Middle East...

....After a few months on the job he can refer to his cabinet members as his "bitches." Hey don't get angry at me. Take a listen to any hip-hop song, and that is the type of endearing language you will hear. A group of playas that have no respect for the country. The same country that affords them a lifestyle most people only dream of, and all they can do is endlessly complain about it."

- Craig Smith, WorldNetDaily.

We highlight this kind of poorly veiled bigotry to shed a light on it so it can scamper away back to it's darker confines in quarters befitting of it like a roach when light catches it carousing out in the open where it has no place. You can't ignore this kind of garbage because that says to it's authors that somehow it's okay. This is stupid, Craig Smith is stupid and nobody should waste his/her time ingesting that kind of stupidity on the internet.

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