Monday, July 13, 2009

Louis Farrakhan On Michael Jackson Before He Died [Very Compelling Video]

I'm not going to act like I was a huge Michael Jackson fan while he was alive but I have come to understand Michael a lot more recently when I put his life in perspective and took a step back and viewed his perceived eccentricities. This video is Louis Farrakkhan who admittedly isn't my favorite person in the world for many many reasons but what he says in this video is very very interesting and worth your time to digest the sum of his thoughts about Michael and him addressing the nature of Michael's perceived freakish aura. So at least watch the video, then tell me if you think differently afterwards...

1 comment:

  1. which address is this by the minister? i've been googling to find info on michael's aura, but haven't found much credible stuff. i've come across reincarnation stuff, though.
