Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monopoly, Son!

If you're like me and you look fondly on childhood life and the shows and music and times then you'll surely appreciate the fact that the internet has now given you one more thing from the past: a more efficient, more fun, easier, quicker, cleaner version of Monopoly...

GoHERE (and click PLAY AS GUEST) and knock yourself out. Only takes about 30 minutes to get in a good game. It's entertaining and if you're burning the midnight hour writing a paper for school or work or are just putting off sleep this game is going to hold you down TRUST ME. I can't stop playing this...

Matter of fact, take 'the HIS AURA WAS ORANGE test'. Play the game ONCE! Just once! See if you're not hooked. If you're not hooked I'll Paypal you 5 USD!


  1. Yet another reason to never get work done. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for helping to feed my procrastination habit!

    Hey, Honorable. *waves*

  3. I have never played a game that has infuriated me more than this one. I get screwed everytime. How many consecutive snake eyes can you roll? I dare you to beat seven.
