Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Special Comment: November 4th 2008 (I Came, I Saw, I Voted)
It was a beautiful thing to behold at the polling station. It was PACKED with black people. It looked more like an Iota Ice Breaker than anything else. Looked liked niggas were gonna be charging cover at the door and serving cranberries and vodkas inside. Of course I'm joking but it was nice to see black people participate in their civic responsibilities and come out in record setting crowds for something other than the new Playstation or Madden game. Win, lose or draw you can hold your head up that an effort was made to make a difference; an honest one at that and not some half-assed one that ended up with us circling the building contemplating whether we really wanted to stand in line or go back home. I can't promise that your candidate, whoever that may be, will win tonight but at least we've made an imprint in our democracy today that shows all the ridges of America's shoe and not just some of it. Nope. So no stories of people crying or overwhelmed by the moment that I can speak on. People realized for the most part that you can't start celebrating until you get to the end zone. I suspect that people of my generation will remember that they had the opportunity to vote for a female vice-president or an African-American president when we're older and more than one or two elections have passed us without having been given the chance to do so. So I say with great humility thanks to those before me that moved the ball down the field and paid with blood and tears like gridiron gods who set the ball up at the 1 for me and everybody else today to be in a position to run it in.
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