Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday's Top Ten: Best Qualities/Attributes Men Look For In Women

10.) Good Family/Friends Good Ex Situation: Most guys aren't tripping over a female with a kid or a female with friends or a female whose dated a few guys. If you're a good looking/hearted person you're going to have boyfriends and friends. That's to be assumed but for the love of God have respectful kids. You can't control who you fell in love with or how that went but what you can control is your child. Make sure they're respectful because that's important. Also don't have shitty friends. If a guy doesn't like your friends or they give him too much attitude or are a bad influence on you that isn't going to work. One of them is going to have to go. And lastly, if you've been grown-up enough to have a child with someone, make sure you two are grown-up enough to responsibly raise the kid and handle visitation and pick-ups like grown people. Men don't want to have to officiate between that. We will, because we care, but we don't like it and it's generally why we avoid women with children to begin with.

9.) Breasts: Look I'm pretty lenient about this. I've dated all shapes and sizes in this department for the most part. Only ones I don't like are the National Geographic looking pancake ones with the pepperoni aeriolas. Those aren't my favorite but then again breasts aren't the very high on this list.

8.) Flexibility: This one is pretty important. You have to be able to compromise with someone. If you're not meeting someone halfway on things than it's a waste of time in the long run to stick it out. Men don't expect women to change their whole game up for them but you have to give on some things. Like I said, I don't a woman to completely become another person for me at all. It's like the old saying 'If you became the person the world wanted you to be, you wouldn't be the person I fell in love with' but you have to be responsible enough to care about what your man thinks as much as what you want.

7.) Sense of Humor: If she can't tell a joke than she's got to be able to laugh at one because men naturally talk shit at every turn at any function that lends itself to joking. Being from Cincinnati, all I do is talk shit. I can't be around someone who can't be down with that. It's what i do.

6.) Hygiene: Good breath, clean fingernails, decent scent and actually does something with her hair when you take her out and you're good. Most guys are pretty laid back, Blockbuster night types, so if a girl is slumming it with you on the couch a lot isn't expected but if a guy leans in for a kiss just make sure your breath doesn't smell like an exhaust pipe. That's all.

5.) Ass: This never gets old. The only problem with ass as far as I can see is that it smells like ass if someone doesn't keep their hygiene up to par. However women are mostly clean and thorough with theirs so this isn't a concern. This is the most vital part of the silhouette and is fairly important to black men.

4.) Good Conversation: Very helpful and useful in dry or otherwise boring and awkward moments (i.e waiting for food at a restaurant; in line somewhere; car drive). Having someone be able to add thoughtful responses to any number of topics that conversation might stray to in any social situation is phenomenal. Sounds easy, being able to talk since you've essentially been able to do it since you were 2 and have had years of practice at it, but not everyone can do it in a way that captivates and deters them from wanting you to stop. If there's one drawback to talking it's when a female talks too much or calls too often and goes off the reservation on the phone about something or another that doesn't matter or is about a topic that disaffects you.

Conversations are like Chinese food to men for the most part. We dig it when we have a taste for it but as something that finds itself on the menu everyday it's not good. You can overdo it. Sometimes a text message is more useful than a call and more efficient without the awkward nature of coming up with a reason as to why I need to get off the phone.

3.) Leg Game: Gotta be on point. They're the foundation for the body. Can't be too skinny or resemble tree trunks. Especially since women wear more outfits that show them off they have to be up to par. Legs are the story line to a woman's body. They're like the plot of a movie. You lose interest if it isn't there when you're looking at someone you don't know.

2.) Good Taste: If a woman hates Tyler Perry as much as I do, and dislikes the city of Cleveland and can't remember the last time she listened to the radio, I'm pleased. Girls that show a general interest in the things that interests guys and are on the right side of most issues is probably a bigger turn on than most physical traits. There's vanity in saying a girl has good taste is she agrees with you or is on the same page as you, sure, but if you're a classy kind of guy, and I most certainly try to be, than you deserve someone on par with your kind of character and this is a fairly big one. Good taste goes a long way.

1.) Maturity: Men don't want to date their little sisters. Be a grown up is all we're asking for. Don't give us that bullshit. Women love to play games and to a degree when we were younger guys played that same game too. For instance, if a guy hasn't called and you want to talk to them but you think you called him last and you're waiting for him to call first. That's the shit I'm talking about. Be a grown-up. You feel like doing or saying something follow your instincts. Don't act.

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