Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NBA Finals Game 6 In Pictures

No words this time, you know what I've been saying about Paul Pierce and Kobe Bryant for years, so tonight just pictures.
Okay maybe a few comments:

Contrary to every talking head or half-way self pronounced that says otherwise Paul Pierce is as great as Kobe Bryant. There's nothing Kobe can do that Pierce can't do. You may like Kobe's style more but that's a style preference not based on substance. Sorry.

Robert Horry can retire because James Posey is the new you.

Paul Pierce has been the greatest player on the bad Celtics teams, the so-so Celtics teams and a great Celtics team. The man is almost unstoppable.

Kobe Bryant is NOT Michael Jordan.

Kobe Stans will never run out of excuses and ready made explanations everytime he comes up short. This time it was referees, Andrew Bynum and bad teammates. Funny how no one complained about his teammates when they got him to the #1 seed in the West and later got him to the NBA Finals in that vaunted, all-time most competitive Western Conference. Even though they were just outplayed, outclassed and outgunned collectively and individually (yes Paul Pierce outplayed Kobe Bryant) you just know there'll never be enough mulligans in the world that the stans won't use to write-off his failures.

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