Friday, March 14, 2008

What Does Winning Look Like?

Simple question.

Would winning quantify as having her up under your arm piece?

LOL, cheap way of injecting more Amanda Diva into a post. I know. But I promised more a while back and you'll find I keep my word when I can. And to answer my own question, this is most definitely winning. If you're at a BlackJack table and you look down at a hand that even somewhat resembles an Amanda Diva, you push all your chips to the middle of the table. It's a No-Brainer.

Can winning be born out of bringing great music to people who might otherwise have missed it?

Azur ft. D'angelo - Love Is So Cold
Lauryn Hill - Just Like Water
Blulight - Sex Is On My Mind
V- Pretty Baby

I'd like to think so or else I've been wasting my damn time. LOL

Perhaps these points are contentious but what isn't contentious is what winning is not. Winning is not fracturing the party in a year where losing shouldn't even be a considerable option for the Democrats just for the sake of winning the party nomination only to ultimately lose the battle versus John McCain in November. Winning is not conceding the black vote to Obama and then allowing surrogates to plant the seed of an imaginary racial choice to the remaining 70% white vote and appeal to the tribal divides of people to cut into Obama's vote because all other measure's have failed. Winning is not allowing for this kind of divisive tool to be waged by people who represent you and then not publicly disavowing this kind of talk until you've garnished full advantage of it's racial benefits after two days and the news tide is now calling you out on it. No that is not winning, it's not even gamesmanship. It's something more sinister that can't even be recognized as within the rulebook of any sport. While it's indiscernible that the Clintons are not racists it's clear that they'll use whatever combination they can use to open Obama's safe and subtract from his flock, even if this includes imploring racial quotients.

This is not winning. This is losing and not having the decency or honor to concede the contest before the score chimes in with the buzzer at the end of the game. This is looking up and realizing the deficit is too large to overcome and the opponent is moving to the next round of the playoffs but you're deadset on a few dirty plays here and there, venting your frustration. This is maybe injuring a player or two from the team in a way of saying if I'm going down I'm taking you with me.

This is not what winning looks like. John McCain is winning and if John McCain is losing, what is undeniable is we're losing.


  1. And JUST like that (With all the Amanda Diva pics) This is MY spot!
    Welcome to the Blogroll LOL!

    I dig the music too...hotness

    Cool post...will be back

    Dayton btw.


  2. Oh, 937 huh? I see you.

    Anyway thanks for the kind words and the link, man. I really appreciate it.
