Sunday, March 2, 2008

Call me crazy but...

I believe that Barack Obama has a serious opportunity in front of him with Tuesday's upcoming voters in my home state of Ohio and this is big big news. I remember watching the Potomic Primaries (Virginia, DC & Maryland) a couple weeks back when Barack swept through there and knocked down the buildings like King Kong with a cup of Incredible Hulk and as the great and wise political prognosticators began corronating him as the imminent Democratic nominee I reserved such judgment and tempered my expectations because I knew he had a ton of time in between then and now for his momentum to be blunted.

I just knew giving Bill, Hillary and the lot of the rest of her female/working class/xenophobic voting block who'd rather a stick of Spearmint gum sit in the White House than a black man [not Hillary's doing rather but just an unfortunate fact of America] time of that length to trot out some silliness and raise all sorts of distractions that the worst would happen. Plus I think a poll that I came by that night showed her with an edge here to the tune of 54% - 34% which is what us Hip-Hop fans would coin "a wrap" and that whatever the fever that swept across the nation for the man at that time wasn't gonna catch on here. Not so much that I was on some Uncle Ruckus shit [Don't trust them new niggas over there] even though I wouldn't put it past Bill's pseudo-black ass but I know my state. I know the breakdown. I've lived in Cincinnati all my life. While it's largely black and progressive, when you travel beyond the city limits on into the suburbs the Bill Cunningham, redneck, xenophobic, far-right element is powerful.

Now factoring in all that, you still end up with mostly Democratic representatives. I also know Columbus very much as I've weathered many administrations in the good old OS of U in Ohio's capital city and that place is a bastion for Democrats. There's literally a liberal froth set over that city that's practically irrevocable in it's DNA. And then you have Cleveland, whose sent Dennis Kucinich to Congress to represent them [ need I say more?] So when you take a look at the major cities you begin to wonder why couldn't Barack win here? Seems, doable right? Then you remember all the rural, farmlands in between that you pass on the highways en route to these major cities I name and you get a far more conservative, less diverse, almost monolithic group of people. Every time I make the trip from Columbus to Cincinnati or vice versa, I always think to myself how much I don't want my car to die on me leaving my black ass out in the haystacks. Those people aren't Obama votes and it's really been an uphill climb for him, but the latest and perhaps last polls to come out of Ohio before Tuesday tell a story that lends great credibility to him as a candidate and illustrate his strength and this seemingly cult-like following that is sweeping the nation.

The University of Cincinnati Ohio Poll, conducted on 21-24 Feb. has shown Hillary Clinton leading Barack Obama and John Edwards with 47% to 39% and 9% respectively. The Poll has shown Clinton in 8 % point lead over Obama. The poll has 4.4% margin of error (MoE).

The Public Policy Polling Ohio Poll, conducted on 23-24 Feb. has exhibited that Hillary Clinton is leading Barack Obama with 50% to 46%. With MoE 4.0%, the PPP Ohio poll has indicated a close contest showing Clinton with a slim lead of 4% points over Obama.

The American Research Group’s Ohio Poll, conducted on 23-24 Feb. has shown Hillary Clinton with 49% and Barack Obama with 39%. According to the ARG poll with MoE 4.0%, Clinton is having 10% points lead over Obama.

Conducted on 25 Feb., the Rasmussen Reports Ohio Poll has shown Hillary Clinton leading with 48% and Barack Obama at number two slot with 43%. The poll has shown Clinton having 5% points lead over Obama. The poll has 3.3% MoE.

The Survey USA Ohio poll, conducted on Feb. 24-25, has shown Hillary Clinton 50% and Barack Obama 44% democratic support. With MoE 3.5%, the poll has indicated that Clinton is having 6% point lead over Obama.

The Reuters/C Span/Houston Chronicle/Zogby Poll, conducted on 26-28 Feb., has shown Hillary Clinton leading Barack Obama with 44% to 42%. The poll, with MoE 3.7%, has indicated tight contests in Democratic polls in Ohio. It has shown Clinton with just a 4% point lead over Obama.

Conducted on 28 Feb., Rasmussen Reports Ohio poll has revealed something highly disturbing for Clinton. Of course, it has shown Clinton leading Obama, but with 47% to 45%. Signaling very tight contests ahead, the poll – with MoE 3.4% – has shown Clinton with just 2% points ahead Obama.

If he messes around and wins Texas, Vermont and makes it interesting in Rhode Island and Ohio, then we'll know he's the real deal and the Democratic powers that be, that decide on the future of the party in dark, smoke-filled rooms at late hours of the day need to intervene and inform Bill as Hillary's corner man that she's taking too much of a beating and risks real brain damage for the party if he doesn't throw in the towel for her. I suspect, that's the magnanimous gesture we need to unify as party for the bigger stakes of the future of America and the uplifting of a country that looks like it went two girls/one cup in the middle east; I suspect this is the only card she has left to play in order to sustain the Clinton brand in the party; Unfortunately I also suspect a far different outcome and that this game is going extra innings if Hillary's got a say so in the matter.

But you've got to admit, in a secretive, hold-your-cards-tight-to-your-chest kind of way, it looks good for him right now.

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