Wednesday, March 5, 2008

And Hillary's Hail Mary Is Caught...

You have to admit it, if this Democratic race was a wrestling match it'd be a Iron Man match. If it were a college football game it'd go until the point in OT that you'd have to go for two.

I wish I could have gotten on here tonight to tell you Barack won a couple games on Hillary's home court, but I can't with a straight face any more than I can tell you Michael Jackson is Puerto Rican or that R.Kelly isn't a sexual deviant.

On the Republican side, Johnny Mac hemmed up
the nomination and put the final nail in the coffin of his naysayers and far-right opposition. John McCain most certainly isn't my guy let me make that perfectly clear. I couldn't imagine myself even considering him unless Hillary ends up with the nomination but I have got to say, if anyone deserves their moment in the sun, if anything like karma ever existed to balance out the sting of injustice and the validation of perseverance, John McCain has earned his time of glory. The man is a genuine American hero and the champion of courage personified and ought to be honored by everyone that salutes the American flag, the same one he was willing to be tortured and mangled for.

All of that said, the Democratic Race is going to look something like Casino now and Hillary is going to be Joe Pesci. Resiliant, persistent and headstrong.

"You beat Nicky with fists he came back with a knife, you beat him with a knife Nicky came back with a gun, and if you beat Nicky with a gun you better kill him, because he would come back and back and back until one of you was dead"

Hillary supporters will spin this like Barack still won't be up 100 plus delegates tonite. They'll say he lost the momentum. They'll say his donations lead won't matter. They'll treat this as if it now makes Hillary the frontrunner. This just simply isn't true. She still has a lot of ground to make up and by all the estimates of the remaining states and territories unspoken for until now, that won't change. He'll still have close to an 100 delegate lead and all that will change is that John McCain will have gained an upper hand argumentatively because neither Democratic candidate will have the time to fully engage him as they definitely should be doing at this time. The supporters from both camps will end up despising the other candidate and become more bitter and jagged toward the notion of the opposition being the flag bearer for the party in November. Both candidates will have cut each other down so much that the bulk of John McCain's legwork will have been carved out. There is no winning hand in stringing this out. In fact, I urge the good people that read this blog, yes all five of you, lol, to write your elected state democratic representatives and flood either their internet or postal mailboxes with letters to urge them that this race won't come to that. urge them to move towards rallying around Barack Obama and force Hillary to back out now. This is pointless. Do what is good for the party and not what's of interest to the Republicans and media.

Back to Casino, if this race plays itself out like the movie for Hillary, it'll end up with her in a hollow ditch in the middle of a cornfield. Only in this story the democratic electorate will be in the plot next to her instead of Nicky's brother.

Don't just allow her to bludgeon our chances in November! Vote. Be heard.

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