Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday's Woman Redux: MaĆ­ra Britto The Unreleased Photos

I know, I know I already made a post about Maira Britto. I realize I'm probably breaking some unwritten rule. You know what though? I don't care. I really don't. If it was one of my own rules that I can't repeat a person as 'Wednesday's Woman' then fuck my rule. It's mine. Rules are meant to be broken. Not mine or anything. I don't want to give you the wrong idea. You break my rules and there will be a penalty. Trust. I'm just saying if somebody is going to break my rules it should be me. So yeah, Maira Britto is just the optimum allowable dosage of human fineness. You can't make me believe otherwise without visual and scientific proof that finer indeed exists. Most will agree with me. At least one person won't. That's cool, but unless you come at me with visual proof of someone finer than her, I won't believe you. And you better have some pie charts and bar graphs and long-hand scientific equations thereby backing up your claim. And you better have a lab coat on when you present this evidence to me or your false claims will be laugh at, dismissed and we won't ever exchange words again. You better come with it.

LOL @ me calling these 'unreleased' though. They're not unreleased but they are different pictures than I posted last time. Somebody please make this woman a household name here in America. I beg of you.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ABC News Racial Bike Stealing Experiment

Everyday you live you take with your certain feelings and opinions and most often you don't have any proof to prove or disprove your feelings so you just kind of shrug it off. Well take a look at this experiment where two actors, one black and one white, are both put in parks and given tools to pick a lock on a bicycle and watch the different reactions both actors generate. Entertaining to say the very least.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Louis C.K. - Things Are Fucked Up Now (New Clip)

This is a new clip from his new standup special 'Hilarious'. Looks pretty good.